Designed for young readers
I frequently encounter new words that I don’t see often. I am able to quickly learn all about the word without looking it up in the dictionary or searching for it.
– An eighth-grade student
This is a great tool for my students from other countries. When I try to explain a word or phrase, I can immediately show them a picture instead of trying to explain it with words.
– A first-grade teacher
WhizRead is helpful for my son, who is more of a visual and auditory learner.
– Parent of a fifth-grader
My daughter reads really well, but I feel she doesn’t fully understand what she reads. This app can help her with that.
– Parent of a third-grader
I like that everything’s in one place: I can ask the app to read for me, I can see images and I can also hear audio. I don’t need to look words up in a dictionary, or search for images or video clips.
– a fourth-grade student